Hi i’m Marc D. a personal trainer in Adelaide South Australia and owner of Bodystyling Fitness.
I’m South Australia and Adelaide’s top personal trainer, and one of the most highly sort after fitness professionals in Australia.
Featured in:
- Channel 7 Fitness Special in October 2014
- January issue of the worlds best selling fitness magazine – “Women’s Health & Fitness” discussing “Fitness in 2015”.
- The New Daily with Michelle Bridges for “Winter Workouts”.
- The Advertiser Newspaper
- SA Matters Magazine Valentines Special – Hottest SA Singles
- Published writer appearing in 2 books sold worldwide
- Trained Apple Store staff on Corporate Wellness
When writers ask people for an opinion on what to write, the answer is usually “write what you know about”. The decision to make personal training, fitness and weight loss a career was therefore an easy one for me.
I spent my early childhood growing up in a country town in a hotel my parents owned where sport was a big part of everyday life. Every kid played footy. I played football, basketball, karate and i remember every summer riding my bmx with my mates endlessly. After i finished high school i started going to the gym, and have been involved with fitness full time since i was 17.
At the time i started getting into weight training and fitness, the current heroes were the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Stallone and Van Damme. Every young guy wanted to look like them and the general consensus with weight training and fitness at the time was to do lots of sets and lift as heavy as you can. Starting out as a 70kg kid my friends and I would be in the gym everyday, exhausting ourselves doing endless sets, only to find that 6 months later we weighed the same, looked the same and felt the same. We had no idea what we were doing wrong. We then put our money together and got a personal trainer and thats when we started to finally see results. The fact was we had to train smarter, not harder and the gym, weights, cardio is just 1 basic element. You need to eat right also.
As soon as we got our diet organized, we straight away noticed the results. I put on 10kgs on muscle that year, got into bodybuilding and that became my passion for the next few years. I devoured every resource i could get on fitness and bodybuilding – magazines, videos, even doctors handbooks. My friends called me the “professor”. I tested every new exercise routine, supplement, new training methodologies on myself, and learnt what worked and what didn’t.
I also started training clients, and gained a reputation as the go to guy for training, knowledge and insight.