We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us.
My choice is to wear out.
You’re not meant to sit on your butt and be lazy.
You’re not meant to be overweight, unfit, frail, unmotivated, nor stay at home where its safe and warm, where you can eat as much as you want, then feel guilty about it after, and feel depressed and powerless to act against it.
It’s sad so many of us fail – opting away from action. Because ACTION is innate. It’s in our genes. We were made to be active and take action.
Fall over or trip and what happens? Your body’s instincts protect you. You put your hands out to break your fall and protect your face. You don’t think, you don’t complain and don’t argue. You take ACTION cause you have strength. More strength than you know.
In your everyday lives, however, what happens? It doesn’t even have to be fitness related. Passed over for that promotion? Failed your exam? Didn’t make the basketball team? You get depressed, worry to the point of sickness and feel powerless to help yourselves. Even i’ve said and done it. “i’m no good, i’m overweight, i’m fat, i’m unfit, i can’t do this, i can’t lose that weight, i’ll never be good enough, i’m shit, crap, outmatched, i have no time, i have no money, it will never work, i’ll never get it done, who would like a loser like me?”
And what do you do about it? Go out and party, drink, sleep in, treat yourselves…..or do nothing. And keep making excuses.
You even can pinpoint the problem and come up with solutions yet you never do anything about it. Weeks and months, even years later the problem is still there cause you did nothing about it. And it’s worse. You think if you forget it, keep saying “i’ll do it tomorrow or next week” that it will somehow fix itself. That the problem will “unproblem” itself all by itself or that will someone will come along and do it for you.
90 percent of people who want to get fit, lose weight, get into shape, improve their lives, and gain self confidence don’t even start. They ask about it – then never do anything about it. Just like we have been saying. Years later they are in the same boat and even worse off.
One of the most ridiculous excuses i keep hearing is that someone is “too unfit to start, i’ll lose some weight first then come see you to get into shape. I’m too embarrassed now”. It makes no sense to anyone . Can you imagine calling your doctor and saying “i’m ill but let me get better before i come see you?”. The other fact of the matter is that in 12 years as Adelaide’s Best Personal Trainer i have never, ever seen someone in a group, class or at the gym that notices someone else’s condition and makes fun of them. Everyone is too busy concentrating on themselves and their own goals and journey to take notice of someone else.
Like all problems, however, and the excuses that follow – it feels better to ignore and pretend. Deep down we know it’s not going to make it any better, and that’s what starts that cycle of helplessness and depression. We need to act. And you have to START now.
The biggest secret to losing weight fast, getting into shape or doing anything you want in life is to just START.
Thats right, take that bat off your shoulder and start the swing. Don’t delay cause you will never do it. The lights are all never gonna be green, the planets will never align. There will never be a perfect time in life to start anything. You can’t wait for someone to save you cause they never will. You have to start to go anywhere. All the big multi-million dollar entrepreneur’s know it and do it, and so does anyone that has ever accomplished their goal or dream. You have to just start. Tell yourself the time for delay is over. The time for putting it off has passed. The bell has been rung and you are about to start. Once you have started its like a boulder running down a hill. You’ll have momentum and you won’t be stopped.
Once you have started..then congratulations! Fantastic. You are already ahead of most people who do nothing for most of their lives. Ask yourself a question though? Could you be doing more? At the least you could be trying harder. Will that affect your results and goals? Of course.
Are you ready to “work” now? Would you rather rust out or wear out?
If you want to go where you claim you want to go – there’s only one way. Thats to start.
Marc D.