Thanks everyone for making this website the no. 1 viewed, ranked and most popular Fitness, Personal Training and Health website in Adelaide South Australia!
Over 250 views a day and 8000 a month and were only just getting started!
What started only a few short months ago as a small blog has grown into something much bigger and better.
As most of you know I’ve been a PT for 12 years and work at a gym in Adelaide while running Bodystyling Fitness. What you wouldn’t know is that i’m doing a 2 year Diploma in Website Development also. Part of my assignment for the diploma was to build a website for a business. Thats where the website for Bodystyling Fitness was born.
Everything you see here on this website i created, designed and implemented myself. Even the SEO that got it ranked no. 1.
It’s been a very tough year personally and going by what some of you have spoken to me in person and through skype and emails, you guys too.
To everyone else just hold on. Summer is here and were going to beat off your blues! As Prince said “Were gonna party like it’s 1999”. I’m gonna get you all into shape and were going to enjoy the holidays. Maybe do a bootcamp or 10 at the beach.
Coming up i have lots of fun stuff going on. The website is going to get massive in 2014.
We have an Iphone Itunes and Android fitness app coming out.
I’ll be adding a lot more weights/fitness/exercise content with videos and pics.
I’ll be adding more Outdoor Sessions and times.
I’ll probably have to hire someone to help me so if your interested or know someone please get them to send me their resume.
I’m going to push more internationally. Online programs, google videos of the week and possibly a skype live training session.
I’ll organise a Mt Lofty Run Group for us all.
A Brighton to the Bay Bike Group.
I’ll continue on my ebook and one day will get it finished lol
Thanks to everyone that helped and supported me!
Marc D